Saturday, November 10, 2012


Presidents are usually so far removed from us that most never appreciate how they can impact our daily lives.  Here is how Ronald Reagan touched two lives on opposite sides of the Iron Curtain: ours.


  I grew up as an Air Force brat. In 1962 my father was stationed Newfoundland, Canada where I was born.  By age 11, I had visited or lived in 19 states and traveled to six foreign countries.  From 1971 to 1973, my family lived in Taiwan while my father flew combat missions in and out of Vietnam.  I had the early experience of knowing our next door neighbor, Capt Mariel Maison who was shot down and killed during the 1972 NVA offensive.  In 1975, two years after my father retired, I was sadden by the fall of Saigon. In the following years I was, perhaps, a little more aware than the average teenager of the atrocities being committed by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

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